burble.dn42 / Services / S3 Object Storage

S3 Object Storage

burble.dn42 provides an S3 compatible storage service based on min.io.

Remember that the storage service is provided for the dn42 community and the burble.dn42 abuse policy applies.

Be considerate in your usage so that others will get the same benefits as you are enjoying now. Clean up files that you no longer need, do not use the service for illegal or objectional content and don’t be stupid.

Accessing the Service

The object storage service is available for all users who have set a burble.dn42 password via the service portal.

Web Interface

The minio web console can be accessed by logging in using your burble.dn42 username (lowercase of your MNTNER without the -MNT suffix) and password.

From the web interface users can create your own buckets, upload or download files, and create access keys for the S3 service.

Any buckets you create must start with your lowercase MNTNER name followed by a dash.

For example, for FOOBAR-MNT buckets must start with ‘foobar-’

Valid bucket names


Invalid bucket names



  • s3.burble.dn42

An S3 compatible API is accessible via https://s3.burble.dn42. The S3 region is uk-lon2

Don’t use your burble.dn42 username and password.
Use the web interface on https://minio.burble.dn42 to create a unique access and secret key when using the S3 API.


  • sftp -P 8022 @minio.burble.dn42

The minio instance can also be accessed via SFTP on port 8022. Log in to the SFTP server using your burble.dn42 username (MNTNER name in lowercase) and password.

Example usage

Using the minio client utility

  1. Install the minio client
  2. Log in to the web console at https://minio.burble.dn42 using your burble.dn42 username and password
  3. Create yourself a bucket, remember to start the bucket with your mntner e.g. ‘foobar-’
  4. Create an acccess and secret key pair
  5. Log out the web interface and return back to the cli
  6. Create an alias in the client using the access and secret key pair generated in step 4
mc alias set burble https://s3.burble.dn42 ACCESS_KEY SECRET KEY
  1. You can now use the client to access your bucket
mc ls burble/foobar-mybucket

Using the S3 API to mount buckets using rclone

The burble.dn42 shell servers include rclone which you can use to mount buckets directly in your shell account.

  1. Log in to the web console at https://minio.burble.dn42 using your burble.dn42 username and password
  2. Create yourself a bucket, remember to start the bucket with your mntner e.g. ‘foobar-’
  3. Create an acccess and secret key pair
  4. Log out the web interface and and log in to your shell account
  5. Use rclone config to configure rclone
  • Use https://s3.burble.dn42 as the endpoint and uk-lon2 as the region
  • Use the access and secret key pair created in step 3 for authentication

You can now use rclone to mount your buckets in the shell

$ mkdir tmp
$ rclone mount burble: tmp

Using SFTP

Simply use your burble.dn42 username and password to access the SFTP server on port 8022.

$ sftp -P 8022 [email protected]
[email protected]'s password: 
Connected to minio.burble.dn42.
sftp> dir
sftp> exit